POLITICAL ANIMAL-LITTLE KNOWN -ANCEDOTES ABOUT AMERICAN PRESIDEINTS-POLITICAL FIGURES The presidential election in which the "muslin issue" was jokingly raised The Male rape issue involving a 17 year old American boy and a Muslim connected in the John Walker Lindhl case--Newsweek magazine expose Audo interview excerpt: "Jim- Descendent of major American Union leader---This descendent works in a non union company--His views on the Occupy movement & working for a non union corporation Sept 21st Historical Births deaths & Events
Political animals Muslim issue | Muslim rape of 17 year old boy | John Walker Lindhl terroism case | audio interview excerpt | Jim Descendent of major American Union leader
Political animals Muslim issue | Muslim rape of 17 year old boy | John Walker Lindhl terroism case | audio interview excerpt | Jim Descendent of major American Union leader