And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred. Mark 4:8 BELIEVERS ARE URGED THROUGHOUT SCRIPTURE TO HEAR THE LORD SPEAKING TO THEM BUT OFTEN TURN A DEAF EAR... The inner ear is the organ of spiritual perception. If the ear listens, the heart willingly submits, but often the spiritual ear is "hardened" Isaiah 6:10 ) ) to what God has said The expression "He that hath ears to hear let him hear" is frequent in the Scriptures, occurring as many as 8 times: Mt 11:15; Mr 4:9,23; Lu 8:8; 14:35, and while not found in the Fourth Gospel written by John, it does occur seven times in Re 2 and 3. "Itching ears," on the other hand, are those that have become tired of the sound of oft-repeated truth and that long for new though deceitful teaching (2Ti 4:3) Join The prophet Mary Washington for this Word from the Lord. Visit us email us
Hearing God | listening to Jesus | Salvation plan | Jesus is Lord | Hearing Jesus voice
Hearing God | listening to Jesus | Salvation plan | Jesus is Lord | Hearing Jesus voice