Tonight Pearl Harbor Dedication : U.S. Navy Seaman Homer Hopkins & Reserve John Stanley Malinowski both were killed on board The USS Arizona on 12-7-1941 Does the GOP stand for Grand Old Party or GODs of Planet? Well clearly The Republican Party Is Imploding and this w/ house speaker Jonny Bonehead. What is the Republican Party to do with the cast of characters who are under the impression SOCIALISM is the way to go? The House speaker talking tax increase NOW on the table? Republicans talking about MAYBE A little more DEPT. is acceptable to reach A comprimise? Gods Of ( the ) Planet The fact is The Republicans lost in November because their socialist ways of less freedom and A HATE of middle class taxpayers simply hit its final chapter. The Sean Hanity , Carl Roves of yesterday are FINISHED. Its time for The RISE of The NEW Era & Generation of ditto head(s). Balanced Budget , Defenders of our Declaration , Small Federal & State Gov. that is for the people by the people period. The Democratic party is STRONG and they are together reguardless they are one nation under Obama w/ NO liberty and Justice for who they pick and choose. Thus is NOT the same in The GOP where they pick and choose but their jumping ship faster then the sinking of the Titanic. TONIGHT we see the moves that The GOP are making in Michigan as well as in Washinton DC. We will share with you & play clips and see what direction the clueless leaders are taking the soon to be party of yesterday. Do they know the end is near so they are following GODs orders until they are thrown under the bus? What happen to the party of the people? Where did they go WRONG? TONIGHT on The Republican Party Is Imploding.
Higher Taxes | Republican Socialism | Imploding Party | Declaration | War
Higher Taxes | Republican Socialism | Imploding Party | Declaration | War