ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED FOR LAST WEEK - DUE TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS IT WAS RE-SCHEDULED FOR THIS WEEK THIS WEEKS GUEST: COLONEL JIM HARDING USAF RET - VETERAN DEFENDERS OF AMERICA This week my guest is Colonel Jim Harding USAF Ret, - of the Veteran Defenders of America, The mission of Veteran Defenders of America is to create a nationwide volunteer network of veterans who, through education, information, training and preparedness, that will serve as a key part of Americas front-line grassroots "eyes and ears of freedom" with respect to threats to our national security and our freedoms, such as the threat of radical Islam. Some of the organizations objectives are to provide veterans the opportunity to continue fulfilling their oath to defend America through a nationwide network of veterans, so that every county in America is ultimately represented by a local Veteran Defenders of America chapter; to provide veterans with education and information about the multiple threats radical Islam poses to our national security and our liberties, including: International and domestic terrorism. The Muslim Brotherhood plan to infiltrate and subvert America from within. The growing threat of shariah Islamic law. The strategies and tactics of global jihad, in all its forms - violent, stealth, cultural and financial. Colonel Harding will be giving us some important insights into what has happened in Benghazi and the subsequent cover-up; the Obama administrations rules of engagement for American soldiers in combat; recent changes to the Military handbook ordering soldiers not to criticize Islam, the Taliban or Islamic pedophiles.