HEAR OBAMAS ORDERS! In 1968 the trifecta of American gun violence was JFK MLK RFK! GUN CONTROL on certain cosmetic weapon features was a feel good response. Then 1980 JOHN LENNON SHOT DEAD and 1981 PRESIDENT REAGEN SHOT and POPE SHOT President Clinton signed the Public Safety Weapons Act and The Brady Handgun NonViolence Act. Then COLUMBINE during the weapons ban AURORA and NEWTOWN in gun feee zones. Hear the entire pathetic mess. Huge government trying to guarantee the safety of every school house in America, wher we all know it is the reponsibility of parents and locals to secure our grade schools! What will we think the next time BEAKING NEWS flashes across the screen and a school full of kids has an armed intruder and we hear the crackle of BAD GUY GUNFIRE? Will we have acted? Will communities secure their schools against unpredictable yet inevitable mayhem? Americas kids deserve more than a photo op from the President!