John 9 Last week we dove into the concept of spiritual slavery and looked at whats behind Don Harkins 8 veils from a Biblical perspective. And this week well use the story of the healing of the blind man to uncover a crucial truth: we are all born blind spiritually. And in The Fall, we all became spiritual beggars. The Truth is... Man needs more than light to see, he needs sight, and only the Holy Spirit can open our understanding and impart The Truth. So last week we learned that the vast majority of this worlds population never advances beyond a mere subsistence living, But praise Jesus they can still be saved. All they and any of us have to do is forsake all and trust Him, thats Jesus! So lets discover the deeper meaning of Jesus giving sight to this blind man... In this message we'll see that Jesus truly is mans only answer to overcoming spiritual darkness and piercing these eight veils! And well do this by examining three awesome truths taught by Jesus in this light and sight giving miracle: Truth 1: Our spiritual blindness makes beggars of us all Truth 2: The blind need more than simply light to see Truth 3: Opened eyes can see the light but they must CHOOSE to learn to see