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A Unique Way to Get Focused - Jan 19,2013

A negative thought virus has come across the airwaves and lodged itself in your noggin. You could have caught the nasty little bug anywhere... Get in a quiet place and write down 10 things youre thankful for. Just 10. Any 10. Rattle them off as fast you can. 1. Your eyes 2. Your computer 3. The car in your garage 4. Your familys health 5. The sun 6. Shoes 7. 10 fingers 8. Food in the fridge 9. Democracy 10. The Internet Have you heard the old story about the two shoe salesmen sent to Africa to assess the market for shoes back in the 1800s? The first salesman wrote back to the home office: No opportunity here. Nobody wears shoes. The second salesman wrote back: This place is a goldmine. Nobody wears shoes. Silly joke, but it makes a profound point about how the mind works. The two salesmen looked at the same scene and each one saw what he was looking for. Their minds were tuned to different frequencies. And if you proactively train it to be grateful for things, then you automatically see the good in them and how they can be used to get what you want. The good news is you have a choice. You may have been programmed as a child to embrace cynicism. You may have been inadvertently trained to look at the world with woe and worry. Thats unfortunate. But you can change. You can train your mind to see the good and the useful in every situation and how you can use it your advantage. People who should listen to this show are entrepreneurs, career coaches,

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