Tonight: Christy Romano, Schools, Flu, Benefit, Milford events and news!Tonight we have the honor to speak to one of Milfords Hollywood stars, Christy Romano. Some of the younger generation may remember her as Kim Possible, but Christy has had a great career and we will find out what she is up to these days. In addition to having Christy calling into the show we will be covering all of the Milford news such as: Hospital updates, flu epidemic, school updates, clean ups, events, and much more.To everyone who attended the Neighbors For Newtown benefit on Sunday, thank you very much! It was a huge success and you will updated on the official donation once it is finalized, by next week... Here is a quick clip from WTNH promoting the event: are considered a very small show, but we are proud to not only interview the interesting people of Milford, but we are able to speak to guests such as John Ratzenberger, Dan Patrick, Governor Malloy, Tommy John, and many more. We may be small, but we are badass!Make sure you join us tonight, without you we look like 2 dudes talking to each other with headsets on!This show has been growing very quickly and we want to continue the growth. Please tell at least 2 people about our show, have them listen and get involved in what we do. This show is for you and our community... Also, if you ever have anything that you would like us to cover, feel free to email us anytime: milfordradio@gmail.comLocal business owners... if you are interested in showcasing your business infront of people who actually shop and live here, shoot us an email and well be sure to make it happen: Email us.