We explain the Administrative Process today that must be incorporated in ALL your interaction with the PUBLIC. There is a PROCEDURE that must be followed to honorably settle disputes that PIRATES may be attempting to engage you in on dry land. As you know there are four (4) rules to the game: 1.) THERE IS NO MONEY 2.) PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DO NOT MIX 3.) STAY IN HONOR AT ALL COST 4.) DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN PUBLIC PLAYS (STAY OUT OF THE COURTS). Also you must understand the principles of commercial law: 1. A workman is worthy of his hire2. All are equal under the Law 3. In Commerce truth is sovereign 4. Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit 5. An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in Commerce 6. An unrebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in Commerce 7. A matter must be expressed to be resolved 8. He who leaves the field of battle first loses by default 9. Sacrifice is the measure of credibility10. A lien or claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by Counter-affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or paymentUnderstand what brings you into a forum states jurisdiction:Minimum ContactsMinimum contacts can consist of either some type of systematic and continuous contact with the forum ("general jurisdiction"), or isolated or occasional contacts purposefully directed toward the forum ("specific jurisdiction"). A single contact can suffice to establish personal jurisdiction, but where jurisdiction is based on a single contact, the nature and quality of the contact is determinative. The principal test of foreseeability in a due process analysis "is that the defendants conduct and connection with the forum state are such that he should reasonably anticipate the possibility of defending a suit in the forum.
Commerce | Nationality | Sovereignty | Secured Party Creditor | UCC
Commerce | Nationality | Sovereignty | Secured Party Creditor | UCC