Suzy Manning, CEO of SIZZZL and host of SIZZZL “Women Living Inspired Lives” BlogTalk Radio interviews Elena Kerasiotis. Elena is a natural networker. She thrives on connecting people to enhance their lives and their businesses. She has been president of Ortho Care Physical Therapy, Inc. since its inception in December 1992. In her capacity as president, she has been responsible for management and administration of payroll, promotion, and accounts payables. She is further responsible for payment of tax, unemployment, and benefit management. She is also involved in purchasing and major acquisitions, and banking. Elena is also the designer of, Detroit's premier Greek website. This website offers a calendar of events, Greek news, business connections, entertainment, recipes, & scholarships for Greek American students in the US. She also chairs an annual Festival of Tables fundraiser. This fundraiser consists of theme decorated tables, a boutique, a fashion show, and dinner. It is hosted by The Daughters of Penelope, a womens affiliate of the AHEPA Family, (a 501 (c ) 10) a national Greek-American organization with chapters in the United States, Canada, Australia, Greece and Cyprus. Its mission is to promote Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, Family and Individual Excellence. Proceeds are donated to the St. John Providence Health System Breast Care Program.
Suzy Manning | Networking | Elena Kerasiotis | Ortho Care Physical Therapy | Greek culture
Suzy Manning | Networking | Elena Kerasiotis | Ortho Care Physical Therapy | Greek culture