This episode is RACE!. 1. Women in all industries and the need "whitify". Are they changing themself, is it an image, is it real or forced? Do women who come in darker, magically get whiter because of society? 2. Interracial relationships. Can someone from the hood, be with someone from the woods? Is it more race or culture? 3. Black men dating white women only but how come black women are so afraid or restricted to dating white men? Why do black men prefer white women? 4. Are black women truly stronger than white women? 5. Racism among friends. Can people who say racial slurs and laugh about them be closer as friends? Is it a way to show they dont care about color? 6. What does race really mean? Why do we see it? Everything racist discussed in 2 Parts. Stay Tuned. Disclaimer: This show might be 2 parts. If you have further comments please follow us on twitter! Jalisa: @ASILAJ Kim: @TheyCallMeGlam
racism | women in entertainment | race | Relationships | interracial love
racism | women in entertainment | race | Relationships | interracial love