The Prepared Canadian Saturday *7:00pm/Est *6:00pm/Ct *5:00pm/Mt *4:00pm/Pt Live Listen and Chat go to: This week on The Prepared Canadian Podcast, we'll take a look at power. No, not the political type, but how t have enough power to get by during an emergency situation. A simple inverter, a few extension cords, some rechargeable batteries along with some common sense and power saving tips will get you through most of what will ever happen to you as far as power failures go. No, you won't survive the rapture or a global EMP strike, but that's not what this episode is about. Power from your car will give you all the electricity you need to get through power outages that last from 1 day to a few weeks. But, before we go into that, I have a bit of a rant that I just HAVE to get off my chest. So pull up a chair and have a listen.Denob AKA The Prepared Canadian and his belief that preppers need resources from fellow preppers as well as support and acceptance from the mainstream population is so entrenched that The Prepared Canadian Podcast was born. He has made it his life goal to support preppers as well as educate all people, preper or not, of the importance of being prepared.Tags: The Prepared Canadian, Prepare, Self Reliance, Prepper Broadcasting Network
Prepared Canadian | Prepper Broadcasting Network | American Preppers Network | Power | Energy
Prepared Canadian | Prepper Broadcasting Network | American Preppers Network | Power | Energy