Special Tonight Show (Live) Israel has fired on Syria at the Golan Heights, also 18 states have citizens who want to secede from the United States of America. Also Major 6.8 earthquake hit Burma leaving 13 dead one week before President Obama is to visit. New Jersey has granted Radiant a 5-year contract to make RFID microchips for Homeland Security? Also world wide animal deaths reported in the last few days with 13,000 Dead Deer in Michigan, and thousands of dead fish in China and 500 Pigeons die in India. Theologian Paul Begley will discuss these and much more along with bible prophecy and the powerful Word of God. Tonght 7-10P EST.
Israel Syria mortar shots | Dead Birds Deer Fish | Burma Earthquake Obama | RFID Mark Beast | Citizens Secede America Jesus
Israel Syria mortar shots | Dead Birds Deer Fish | Burma Earthquake Obama | RFID Mark Beast | Citizens Secede America Jesus