This week features 3 more winners, on and off the field! Mike Margolies is a sport psychology consultant, public speaker, and author of "Finding the Athlete within You- a mental approach to sports and business". He consults with athletes and businesses on "The Mental Game", applying winning principles to every area of your life, and counts Merrill Lynch &The Hartford Group as clients. Find more @ Adam Anthony, former Collegiate All American and pro golfer began in the world of small business by helping commercialize the Gravity Golf teaching concept, the book, video and audio training cassettes and infomercial producing over $5 million in sales in six months. His media agency generated over $50 million in annual billings, and he is now CEO of CREOCare, Inc, whose all natural product line can be found thru their website,, as they work on major distribution outlets. Coach Katrina went from farm town girl to Olympic Swimmer, to bedridden and beyond. As a therapist she uses her inspirational story and professional experiences to help find what drives you to be your best. Author of "Be Your Best Without the Stress: Its Not About the Medal", College Psychology Professor, and Motivational Speaker, find her at and So Tune in, call in (760-259-4669), join us in the chat room, drop me a line: YourSmallBusinessMatters@gmail, and as always, be inspired!
Grandmas Secrets |
Regina McRae |
Be Your Best Without the Stress |
Creo Care |
The Mental Game